Current Events
A prayer for Peace
A Prayer for Peace On Sunday evening, October 8th, New Jersey Coalition President, Rabbi Matthew Gewirtz and Senior Rabbi of Congregation B’ Nai, hosted the Greater Metro [...]
Grand Opening Celebrations of BAPS Swaminarayan
October 4th was the occasion of an interfaith gathering on the Grand Opening Celebrations of BAPS Swaminarayan Akshardham. A magnificent Mahamandir carved in stone, according to [...]
Our Plan for Our Future Together
On June 8th some fifty members of The New Jersey Coalition of Religious Leaders gathered to hear a strategic plan for the Coalition. Within the plan [...]
NJCRL honors Bishop William “Chip” Stokes
Chip Stokes of the Episcopal Dioecese of New Jersey is awarded recognition upon his retirement By Bishop Tracie Bartholomew of the New Jersey Synod Evangelical Church in [...]