As members of the Coalition of Religious Leaders of New Jersey and as interfaith religious and spiritual leaders we seek at this moment in time to affirm our concern for the common good of the people of New Jersey. Our deep concern is grounded in our moral and ethical sacred texts that teach compassion and caring for one another.
We are concerned for the well-being of the most vulnerable, the older adult, the poor, the homeless, the prisoner, the immigrant, the socially isolated, and those whose physical and mental health are at risk. We see all over New Jersey and beyond, how our faith communities continue to reflect and live out acts of kindness and caring. We are truly blessed with wonderful communities that are springing into action by providing outreach initiatives to care and attend to those in need and most vulnerable. From deep in our hearts we thank you for your willingness and sacrifices to provide for the least among us.
We encourage all of you to engage in sacrificial giving to meet the incredible human needs at this time of uncertainty. Our faith beliefs call us to reflect the spiritual nature of our Creator In sharing our love, time and resources for others in need.
With a deep sense of gratitude, we recognize those who in this time of crisis who have responded with a deep sense of compassion and moral commitment to act. We are very grateful for our Governor, members of our federal and state legislatures, county, and municipal elected officials for their cooperative initiatives in addressing this crisis.
We will forever be in debt and hold a deep thankfulness for those in the medical community
whose actions place their own lives at risk as they seek to combat the coronavirus pandemic. Much love and thanks goes to the police officers, First Responders of the Department of fire and emergency services, the civic and service workers, the educators, the grocery workers, the food deliverers, the retail associates and corporate offices who are adapting, leading and showing up so that we can all be safe and healthy. They work tirelessly for the good of all. We may not know their names, but they are deeply appreciated.
As Religious leaders we too are facing challenges that have deeply impacted the
life of our faith communities. For many of us at the center and heart of our faith traditions are the acts of coming together in worship, in service and in community gatherings. We are learning and adapting to ways we can continue our traditions and connect our members and others to the spiritual places that we cling to in times of crisis. This challenge will not negate our foundational tenets of faith to care for the common good. This is our prayer and commitment in this moment in time.
Be Kind to each other.
March 30, 2020