Leadership team of the NJCRL (June 8, 2023)
Leadership Team.
Our Members.
Rabbi Matthew Gewirtz
Senior Rabbi of Congregation B’nai Jeshurun
V Rev. Peter A. Baktis
Orthodox Church of America
Imam Qareeb Bashir
Islamic Center of Ewing
Rev. Dr. Tanya Linn Bennett
Chair of Board of Church & Society, Greater NJ Annual Conference United Methodist Church, Drew Theological School
Rev. Eric Dobson
Deputy Director Fair Share Housing Center
Rev. Dr. Deborah Brincivalli
Presbytery Executive For Southern New Jersey Presbytery
Rev Rob Gregson
Executive Consultant Unitarian Universalist FaithAction NJ
M. Ali Chaudry, Ph.D.
Islamic Society of Basking Ridge
Elder David L. Buckner
Area Seventy, North America, Northeast Area: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
Imam W Deen Shareef
Convener of the Council of Imams in NJ Resident Imam at Masjid Waarith ud Deen
Rev. Rusty Eidmann-Hicks
Central Atlantic Conference of the United Church of Christ
Bishop John Schol
Greater New Jersey Conference of The United Methodist Church
Mr. Brian Chase
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, Morristown Coordinating Council
Rev. Steve Huston
Organizer Co-Leader/Resource Presbyter, Presbytery of the North East of New Jersey.
Father Vasyl Pasakas
Ukrainian Orthodox Church Of America
Rev. Jack Johnson
Coordinator, Coalition of Religious Leaders
Reverend Darrell Armstrong
General Baptist Convention of NJ
Rev. Dr. Sandawna Ashley
Transitional Leader of the Presbyterian Synod of the Northeast
Fr. Timothy Graff
Archdiocese of Newark
Cardinal Joseph W. Tobin
Archdiocese of Newark
Rev. Miriam Mendez
Executive Minister American Baptist Churches of NJ
Imam Hamad Chebli
Islamic Society of Central New Jersey
Rev. Dr. Roberto Fois
Central Atlantic Conference United Church of Christ
Rev. Amos Caley
Prison and Drug Policy Director of Salvation and Social Justice
Representative of the Reformed Church of America, Synod of New Jersey
Father George Liacopulos
Representative of the Greek Metropolis of New Jersey
Jan Philips
New York Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends
Rev. Guy W. Sylvester
Ecumenical and Inter-Religious Affairs Officer, Diocese of Metuchen
Rev. Joyce Phipps, Esq.
Executive Director, Casa de Esperanza
Bishop Sally J. French
Episcopal Diocese of New Jersey
Elder Rod Spearman,
Seventh Day Adventist Church
Rev. Carmine Pernini
Union County Interfaith Coordinating Council
Mr. Michael Gruber
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, NJ Community Outreach Director
Rev. Charles Boyer
Executive Director Salvation and Social Justice; Chair NJ Conference African Methodist Episcopal Church
Rabbi David Levy
AJC- NJ Regional Director
Rev. Dr. A. Roy Medley
Past President National Council of Churches
Retired General Secretary of American Baptist Churches, USA
Bishop Carlye J. Hughes
Episcopal Diocese of Newark
Mr. James King
Director NJ Catholic Conference
Reverend Sara Lilja
Director Lutheran’s Engaging in Advocacy Ministry NJ
Rev. Charles Loflin
Executive Director of UU FaithAction NJ
Rev. Freeman Palmer
Conference Minister of Central Atlantic Conference, United Church of Christ
Rev. Dr. Joshua Rodriguez
NJ Coalition of Latino Pastors & Ministers
Rev. Louise Scott-Rountree
Director of the Newark Interfaith Alliance
Rev. Craig Peterson
Associate Conference Minister, Central Atlantic Conference of the United Church of Christ
Rev. Dr. Joyce VanSant
Friends to Friends Community Church
Mr. Haresh Bhatt
BAPS Shri Swaminarayan Madir
Community Affairs National Coordinator
Rabbi Arnold Gluck
Temple Beth-El, Interfaith Council and Action Network of Somerset County
Bishop Tracie Bartholomew
Bishop, New Jersey Synod Evangelical Lutheran Church in America
Mr. Sutinder Singh
American Sikh Council
Bishop Dennis J. Sullivan
Diocese of Camden
Mr. Bradley Thatcher
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints
Rabbi David Z. Vaisberg
Senior Rabbi, Temple B’nai Abraham
Rev. Dr. Robert Wade
Presiding Elder of Camden-Trenton District AME
Ms. Charlene D. Walker
Director, Faith in NJ
Rev. Bolivar Flores
Vice President of the NJ Coalition of Latino Pastors and Ministers
Rev. Scott Russell
Ecumenical and Interfaith Officer of the Episcopal Diocese of New Jersey
Reverend Jeanne Radak
Presbytery Leader of the Presbytery of the Highlands of NJ
His Eminence Archbishop Daniel
Ukrainian Orthodox Church of America
Mr. Eric Drew
Director of Connectional Ministries of the Greater New Jersey United Methodist Conference
Ms. Kellie LeDet
Director Faith Based Institute Of Public Policy, Kean University,